God solved the problems of many people in the Bible not just to eliminate their pain; but as opportunities for them to get to know and glorify his Son Jesus Christ, who loved them enough to die for them (John 3:16). Because of God’s great love for us, he may use our problems in a like manner. He may use our difficulties—physical, emotional, social or whatever–to involve his loving Son, Jesus Christ in our lives inspiring us to glorify him as our Lord.
The following are only a few problems that God used to help people in the Bible:
- A paralyzed man who was bedridden heard about Jesus and his power to heal. His friends carried him in his bed to a house where Jesus was. But when they discovered that a crowd blocked the door to the house, the men who carried him removed the roof and let him down where Jesus could reach him. Jesus healed him and forgave him for his sins. He walked away thanking and glorifying God (Mark 2:1-12).
- A woman had a problem with bleeding for twelve years and had spent all of her money on physicians without being healed. When she heard that Jesus the great miracle healer was in her vicinity, she pressed her way through a crowd where he was and she touched the hem of his garment. Power went out of Jesus and healed her. When Jesus said, someone touched me, she came and fell prostrate at his feet recognizing him as the Lord (Mark 5:25-34).
- Many people who were held captive by the devil were freed by Jesus; and they thanked and gloried the Lord. (Matthew 8:28-34; Luke 8:2-3; Mark 16:9).
It may have been because of difficulties in our own lives—Illness, addiction, family trouble spiritual difficulty, etc.–that some of us came to the Lord for help. God may permit troubles in our lives to demonstrate his love for us, and to glorify his Son Jesus Christ in us (Romans 8:29; 2 Peter 4:12-13). We should thank and glorify God for what he does for us through his Son Jesus Christ.

As a members of the body of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit may give us opportunities to show the love and help we received from the Lord to others with problems (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). By helping them with their problems, the Holy Spirit may cause them to see Christ in us and be drawn to the Lord.
Several people in rehab and prison programs, whom I counseled and worked with, said they believed God sent me, and others like me, to help them. Some told me their problems caused them to turn to the Lord.
As representatives of Christ, you may show Christ-like love in helping others, without performing miracles or being a professional helper.
- You can listen to, and pray in your heart for someone with a problem. You can visit someone who is a shut-in or bedridden and bring that person a token of love. If the person is open to, or desires you to, you may read them stories and Psalms about the love and miracles of the Lord.
- You can call someone whom you know is lonely, to say hello, and let them know you were thinking about them, and wanted to know how they were doing.
- You can volunteer to help someone who is down and out.
- You can pray that the Holy Spirit will direct you to those he wants you to help.
- If anyone wants to know about your demonstrations of love and concern, you can tell them about your relationship with Jesus, and how his love has inspired love in you for others.
God’s may use troubles in different ways to involve the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives and to help us. We should thank God that he is working all things together for our good, including our problems–As he glorify our Lord through us (Romans 8:28-29).