THINKING HIGHER The Lord God of the Bible declared, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my...
THINKING HIGHER The Lord God of the Bible declared, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my...
TRAINING CHILDREN THE LORD’S WAY The biblical Word of God says: “Start children off on the way they should go,...
KNOWING YOUR PURPOSE FOR EXISTING Many people wonder “What is my purpose for exiting?” There are many book written about...
CONCENTRATING ON ALL GOD’S WORD FOR COMPLETE SUCCESS The Bible says; “you are to recite it day and night so that...
GOD’S WORD IS STILL RELEVANT? Some people question whether the Bible is still relevant today. Many say the Bible is...
FOLLOWING THE VOICE OF THE LORD The Lord Jesus Christ said, my sheep hear my voice and follow me (John...
CHOOSING THE CORRECT WAY TO GOD Many religions and ideologies teach different ways to God. In choosing and verifying the...
FOCUSING ON HEAVENLY THINGS FIRST The Word of God said, “set your minds on things above where Christ is… not on...
WORSHIPPING THE LORD OR OTHER “GODS”? Could someone you know be unknowingly worshipping Baal-like gods, “the antichrist” or “the man...
TRUE WAY OF SOLVING PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS There are many books that claim to tell the truth about solving people-problems. Guinness...
SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD The biblical Word of God says: “ seek first the kingdom of God, and...
ONLY JESUS CHRIST SAVES The Bible says, though Jesus was in the form of God, he took human form to die...
The Bible says, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is the only way to God (John 14:6). It also says believing in His atoning crucifixion is the only way to eternal life. I believe we should lift Him up with the Bible Word of God and our love so that He can draw people to Himself (John 12:32).
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