FREE GIFTS OF GOD The Bible, which is a free gift of God, tells us about other free gifts God...
FREE GIFTS OF GOD The Bible, which is a free gift of God, tells us about other free gifts God...
THE LORD IS OUR SHEPHERD The Bible psalmist, David, wrote in the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd.” The Lord Jesus...
LIVING AND DYING WITH CHRIST The Bible tells believers: “to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). “For God...
REASONS FOR GIVING TO GOD The Bible tells us different reasons people give to God. But it also tells us,...
BORN AGAIN OF THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST Jesus said, except a person is born again of the Holy Spirit they cannot...
BEING BLESSED IN PRAISING THE LORD The Bible says: “Bless the Lord, and forget not all of his benefits” (Psalm...
The Bible says, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is the only way to God (John 14:6). It also says believing in His atoning crucifixion is the only way to eternal life. I believe we should lift Him up with the Bible Word of God and our love so that He can draw people to Himself (John 12:32).
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