Jesus Christ said to his disciples, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer (Luke 22:15). They related close to him in his death, resurrection and ascension to heaven (Acts 1:11). Jesus is as eager to have a loving relationship with us who have not seen him as he did with his early disciples (John 20:29; John 14:2-3).

Jesus loves us enough to leave his throne with God in heaven to come to a world that hated him to redeem us to God– although we were sinners and enemies of God (Philippians 2:6-8; Romans 5:8-10).
- He loved us enough to endure shame and humiliation (Hebrew 12:2)
- Beaten and crowned with thorns
- Mocked and spat upon (Mark 15:16-20)
- Condemned to die though he did nothing wrong (Luke 23:22-24)
- Made to carry a cross made for criminals, and crucified between criminals (John 19:17-18)
- Agonizing the pain of hell and separation from God for our sins, Jesus cried out on the cross, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? (Matthews 27:46; Romans 6:23).
Jesus did this for us, not that we loved him. But he first loved us, and had an eager desire to draw us into a loving relationship with God (John 3:16; 1 John 4:10; John 12:32).
Jesus wants us to love him back, as he has loved us. The following are ways we can demonstrate our love for our Savior and Lord who died for us:
- Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind. (Mark 12:30-31)
- Deny self and take up your cross and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23.
- Be conformed to his likeness (Romans 8:29).
- Obey the Lord’s commandments—Do all he says (John 14:15; Matthew 4:4)
- Have a hot rather than a lukewarm love for the Lord (Revelation 3:16)
- Set your mind on things above where Christ is, not on earthly things (Colossians 3:1-2; 1 John 2:16)
- Love the Lord more than family (Matthews 10:37)
- Love others, as he has loved you (John 13:34; John 4:11)
- Proclaim the gospel of salvation to the world for whom he loved enough to die (Mark 16:15-16)
Our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ wants us to have a loving relationship with him, and live with God and all our heavenly family forever in glory (John 14:2-3).