Jesus Christ said, “when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself “ (John 12:32). Jesus was lifted up on the cross about two thousand years ago to atone for the sin of whoever believes in his dying for their sins. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). The Lord instructs us who believe in him to lift him up with the good news of salvation through him, so others might be saved by believing in him. (Mark 16:15-16; Act 2:38).
The early disciples of saw him being lifted on the cross, resurrected from the dead, and ascending into heaven. Jesus anointed them with the Holy Spirit and sent them to preach the gospel to others, who were not aware of his atoning sacrifice for their sins (Acts 1:8; Romans 10:14-18).
They began to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ on the Jewish holy day of Pentecost. As they lifted up Jesus crucified, thousands who heard their message were drawn to the Lord Jesus and were saved from their sins (Acts 2:41). Afterwards, the disciples preach the gospel of Jesus lifted up throughout much of the world, where many people believed and were saved (Acts).

Jesus wants us to love others as he has love us. He expects us to lift him up by telling others the good news of salvation through repenting and believing in him. (John 13:34; John 3:16).
The Holy Spirit indwells and empowers believers today, as the Spirit did the early disciples (1 Corinthians 3:16). With the help of the Spirit we can work diligently and productively in our homes, jobs, schools and communities. And we can effectively proclaim Jesus Christ lifted up at home and abroad with help of the Spirit of the Lord. (John 14:15-17; Philippians 3:13)
Besides the Spirit living in an empowering us, he guides us in spreading the gospel by using the biblical Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). However, he lets us know it is his responsibility—not ours—to convince people of their sin and to draw them to the Lord (John 16:8).
Yet, In dealing with people who oppose the gospel, the Holy Spirit advises us to pray for them. And gently try to teach them. Perhaps God will respond to your prayers and kindness and give those who resist the truth a change of heart (2 Timothy 2:25-26).
God desires all people repent and be saved, like he saved repenting and believing in his Son who was lifted up and died for our sins (2 Peter 3:9). For God so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)