JESUS CHRIST, the only begotten Son of God, bore the burden of our sins on a cross, which we could not do for ourselves (Isaiah 53:5; Romans 6:23; John 3 16). He says we should love one another, and bear each another’s burdens, as he did for us (John 13:34; Galatians 6:12).
Before Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins, he told a story about a “Good Samaritan,” as an example of our bearing one another’s burdens: A man was beaten and robbed and left for dead. When a Samaritan came along and saw the man’s condition, the Samaritan took time and bandaged his wounds. Then he took the man to an inn and paid the innkeeper to take care of the man’s needs. (Luke 10:25-37).
The Word of God says, the strong should bear the burden of the weak (Romans !5:1). And Jesus said, when you do good for the least of his brethren, you do it for him (Matthew 25:40; 6:1) God has given us different strengths that allow us to help one another. Those who are strong in one area might help others who are weak in that area; and vice versa. Besides doing good deeds for one another, we may pray, encourage, forgive and do whatever God puts on our minds to do for others. The Holy Spirit can help us do things that enables us to bear each other’s burdens that we cannot do by ourselves (John 15:5; Acts 1:8; Philippians 4:13).
DO GOOD. The Good Book instructs us to “do good to all people, especially to those of the family of believers,” as we have opportunity (Galatians 6:10).
PRAY The Word of God advises us to pray for one another: Pray for all saved people (Ephesians 6:18). And pray for all other people—for God wants all people to be saved, and come to a knowledge of the truth that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and mankind (1 Timothy 2:1-6). We cannot always speak to everyone directly, but we can always pray to God for them. More is accomplished by our prayers than we will ever know until we get to heaven (James 5:!6; 1 Corinthians 13:12).
ENCOURAGE. The Word counsels us to encourage and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). We should not gossip or bad-mouth, which tears others down. Gossiping is like social bullying. It may influence those who are spiritually weak to look down on or mistreat the persons who are degraded by gossip. Bad-mouthing may demoralize a person who is put down. Moreover, the individuals who practice gossiping and bad-mouthing are impacted negatively in their character and relationship with the Lord. We should always exercise a spirit of building one another up for the good of all.
FORGIVE. The Holy Spirit entreats us to be kind and tender-hearted to one another just as in Christ God forgave us (Ephesians 4:32). Forgiving someone who has done a grievous wrong against us may be hard to do. However the Holy Spirit can enable us to do what is impossible for us alone: Remembering the Lord has forgiven us for sins, for which we deserve death, should inspire us to forgive others as we have been forgiven (Romans 6:23; Matthew 6:12).
In doing good for others as the Holy Spirit leads, Jesus said we do it for him. As we show love and bear one another’s burdens, we grow in becoming more like our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Roman 8:29).