BEING BORN AGAIN Jesus spoke to a religious leader about being born again (John 3:1-21). A Pharisee named Nicodemus believed...
BEING BORN AGAIN Jesus spoke to a religious leader about being born again (John 3:1-21). A Pharisee named Nicodemus believed...
WHY JESUS’ BLOOD? The Bibles says, without the shedding of Jesus’ blood there is no remission or forgiveness of sin...
BELIEVE CHRIST not “ANTICHRIST” This is a follow-up my WRITING FOR JESUS* as the only way to the God of...
WRITING FOR JESUS My initial reason for writing for Jesus: The inspired scriptures of God in traditional Bibles says, believing in...
GOD RULES NATIONS WHILE WE CAN PRAY Influenced by the Bible, World Evangelist Franklin Graham believes, “the God factor” is...
The Bible says, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, is the only way to God (John 14:6). It also says believing in His atoning crucifixion is the only way to eternal life. I believe we should lift Him up with the Bible Word of God and our love so that He can draw people to Himself (John 12:32).
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