Has the Lord Jesus Christ forgiven you for your sins? Has he shown you his love in many different ways? If so, you can witness for him. As believers and follower of Jesus, he has given us the Holy Spirit to guide and help us in witnessing for him (John 14:16). The Spirit enables each of us to be effective witnesses for our Lord (Acts 1:8).
Jesus forgave a woman with many sins. She worshipped him in the presence of others by wetting us feet with her tears, kissing them, and drying them with her hair (Luke 7:36-50).
A socially rejected Samaritan woman was befriended by Jesus. While manifesting his acceptance of her, he let her know he was aware of her life and many social rejections. She left the isolated well where she met him and went and told others that she met the “Christ, the Son of God” (John 4:29).
Jesus healed a man born blind, who told unbelievers, “If this man were not of God he could do nothing” (John 9:1-7). Jesus forgave a man for his sins and healed him of palsy; and was praised by those who witnessed it (Mark 2:-12).
If you have met Jesus, repented and been forgiven for your sins by his death (Act 2:38; John 3:16), had him take care of you and your problems each day, you have much to witness about what the Lord has done for you. Because of your personal witnessing about Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, others may come to believe in him and be saved.
God the Father has ordained that believers in the Lord should be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29). Word of God tells us to glorify the Lord in our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:20).
And “let your light [reflecting Jesus] shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16; John 14:9-10).

Jesus is our best example of loving and helping people; and causing many to see him as Lord. We see this in the Bible, when he showed his love in helping the man born blind, the woman with many sins, and many others. Jesus even showed loved to those he knew would not glorify or thank him. For instance, he healed ten lepers as they were traveling, but only one came back to thank him (Luke 17:11-19). He gave his life in demonstration of his love for of us, while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8). We have opportunity to thank and glorify him in many ways.
Problems in people’s lives, for whatever reasons, may give us opportunities to help them, and be witnesses of the love of God coming through us (Matthew 25: 34-40).
In my work as a counselor, I found that in lovingly helping people, they may become more receptive to the Lord. As a counselor in prison and drug rehabilitation programs, I experienced that in genuinely helping people with their personal, family and Criminal Justice System problems, some became interested in hearing about the Lord they associated with me—especially those with Christian influences in their backgrounds.” More than a few have told me they were reared in a Christian family and went to church. However, they said they chose the “fast lane” and “criminal” life styles. Now, they feel God had sent them to prison and rehab programs to “save my life” and “turn me around.” Some even said they believed God sent me and other like me to help them.

You do not need to perform miracles or be a professional. You can listen to, and pray in your heart for someone with a problem. You can visit someone who is a shut-in or bedridden and bring that person a token of love. If the person is open to, or desires you to do so, you may read him/her stories and Psalms about the love and miracles of the Lord. You can call someone whom you know is lonely, to say, hello, and let that person know you were thinking about him/her, and wanted to know how he/she was doing. If they want to know more about you, perhaps due to your concern for them, you can tell them about your relationship with Jesus. You can pray and support others who have effective ministries for the Lord. In praying and walking close with the Lord, the Holy Spirit will make you aware of things you can do to witness the love of Christ to others.

You should recognize that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, so that the man of God is “ thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3;16-17). The Bible instructs you to study the Word of God to have a right understanding (2 Timothy 2:15). Having a right understanding and being aligned with the Word, you should be prepared to give everyone who wants to know, your reason for believing in Jesus Christ; but do it with love and respect (1 Peter 3:15).
The Holy Spirit is not limited in ways to lead you in witnessing for the Lord. Nevertheless, only the Spirit can lead you in the ways he knows are best for you to witness for the Lord. However, in all that the Spirit leads you to do, “whether in word or deed,” do all for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17). As you continue to pray, follow the Holy Spirit and stay in close fellowship with the Lord, you will have continued success in witnessing for the Lord, and in all that you do (Joshua 1:8-9).