But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given you as well. (Matthew 6:33)
Henry Cloud, author of The Secret Things of God, said he was a sophomore in college facing troubling problems when he turned to the Bible and God for help. He was experiencing the pains of a broken relationship, a failed career dream and living with haunting depression every day. He was desperate for some kind of help.
For some unexplainable reason, Henry said his attention was drawn to the Bible on his bookshelf, which he had not read since being in college. When he randomly opens it, he said his eye fell on a verse of scripture that seem to leap off the page. The verse is cited above (Matt 6:33). He said when he looked at the following verse it read:
Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow,
For tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matt 6:34)
Henry said he had feared becoming a religious weirdo, but because of his deep distress he prayed and turned to God. He said God helped him apply the principles of the scriptures above to help get over his troubles. This was when he started to learn about the secret things of God.
Subsequently he grew in his knowledge of God. Being led by God he eventually achieved a doctorate degree in psychology, with training in theology as part of the program. God equipped him to be able to help people with personal and spiritual problems.
Dr. Cloud’s stated reasons for writing about secret things of God is to “enlighten” people about beneficial things of the Bible—things he says, many people do not know about. He believes many people know a lot “about” the Bible, but know little “of” the Bible.
His book shows he has helped many people personally and spiritually by using the Bible:
- For instance, the doctor reports on how he helped a woman by using a scripture that she admittedly did not know was in the bible: The woman told him how she was in love with a self- centered and controlling man. She said she would usually give in to him. Then the relationship would be alright for a while, before he would relapse. Trying to help the woman with her problem, Cloud said he told her of a biblical saying, “Do not rescue an angry man, or you will have to do it again tomorrow”.When she asked him where he got the saying, he said the Bible, Proverbs 19:19. She replied, “no way! I didn’t know stuff like that was in the Bible, I will have to check it out” (pp 6-7, d).
- After year of practicing as a psychologist, the doctor says he is greatly inspired by the scriptures, when he sees “the ‘secret things of God’ validated by research and clinical practice” (p.8).
- The doctor says a good example of this is seen in the co- dependency area of psychology: He states that millions of people have been helped, just by application of the principle of Proverbs 19:19 that he shared with the codependent woman above.

The Bible counsels against not seeking God first. Some people use principles of the Bible for earthly gain, without seeking first the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness. In using the principles of the Bible to achieve earthly success, some motivational speakers leave God out; and false preachers frequently marginalize the gospel of salvation of Jesus Christ.
Following are some biblical principles that many use for earthly gain, without primarily focusing on and seeking the will of God.
- As a man thinks so is he (Proverbs 23:7)—Positive thinking causes success.
- The profit of the earth is for all (Ecclesiastes 5:9)—You have a right to the riches of the world.
- The hands of the diligent shall rule (Proverbs 12:24)–You can be at the head.
However, the Bible asks: “What good is it for someone to gain the world, yet forfeit their soul?” But for those who seek the kingdom of God first, the Lord will add all other earthly things that meet with his approval, according to his glorious riches (Matt. 6:33; Philippians 4:19).