Jesus met together often with his disciples (Luke 11:1; Mark 6:31-32; Luke 22:7-20). The Bible tells those who are followers of Jesus Christ to assemble together, although some have a habit of not meeting together with brothers and sisters (Hebrews 10:25). Obeying all the words God thorough equips us be whom God want us to be (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Obeying his every word grows us into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matthew 4:4; Luke 22:42; Romans 8:29).

Letters and writings of the New Testament speak of God’s people assembling together. They together in the Temple and went from house to house fellowshipping, breaking of bread, and praying to God and for one another (Acts 2:42; 12:5). They Met for worship and communion (1 Corinthians 10:16-17). Came together to encouraged and built one another other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Coming together and having everything in common, they shared their possessions and goods and supported each other In various ways (Acts 2:44-45). And collectively, working together, they effectively spread the gospel of Christ Jesus at home and abroad, so unbelieves might be saved. Even Paul who established and wrote letters to many churches telling them to assemble together, visited and assembled together with them. (Acts and other writings of Paul).
A Pew Research reports on reasons people gave for not regularly going to church:
- 28% say they do not go because they are not believers. These are highly educated.
- Among self-identified Christians the predominant reason is “they practice their faith in other ways .”
- They “haven’t found a church or house of worship they like.”
- They “dislike the sermons.”
- They “do not feel welcome at religious services.”
- One in four (26%) cites logistical reasons for not going to religious meetings, such as “not having enough time or being in poor health.”
We might consider some ways our coming together with others believers might glorify our Lord, and bless us and others:
- Meeting and working collectively, rather than solely as individuals , we may be more effective in proclaiming the gospel to unbelievers, like the 28% of unbelievers in the Pew Research.
- Considering those who dislike or feel unconnected to the church for different reasons, God might use us who are connected and Spirit-filled to speak to them. Through us God might speak to them like the Spirit spoke to the Old Testament prophet Elijah, who felt alone and isolated from God’s people. Elijah told God he was the only one of God’s people still left. God replied to Elijah that God had thousands of people that the Lord had reserved for himself. (1 Kings 19:10,18). We can demonstrate and tell those who are disconnected that God has Spirited-filled people today who attend churches or regularly meet together physically.
- In speaking with love to those who give logistical reasons for not regularly attending church, God might use us as church participants to lovingly ask them to check their priorities: Do they find time or ways of being able to do other things they give higher priorities than regularly attending church services and meetings with members of the body of Jesus Christ?
- God always knows what is best for us. He gave his only begotten sinless Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us while we were still sinners and did not know him (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). God is able to bless us as he did Christians of the Early Church who assembled together. Although we do not always know what is best for us, when we trust and obey the Lord he will lead us in the right path of growing us into the likeness of Christ (Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:29).
Many Christians today communicate regarding our Lord Jesus Christ at a physical distance from one another via social media. . I also use social media to communicate with others about our Lord. This is a way of contacting many people about Jesus Christ, some whom might not otherwise be reached. I believe this is good way of reaching other for the Lord. However, I also physically assemble together with other believers. I have relocated several times, but through praying to the Lord, he has led me to places where I could meet and fellowship together with Spirit-filled believers each time (1 John 5:14).
When the Lord tells us to assemble ourselves together with others believers, shouldn’t we be willing to obey the Lord who loves us enough to have died for us, and always tells us what is best for us?