Many of us believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We believe what the Bible says about Jesus Christ being the only begotten Son of God who loved us enough to die on the cross for our sins (John 3:16). And we believe Jesus is the only way to God our heavenly Father (John 14:6). However, the Bible also tells us that there is an antichrist spirit of the devil which denies directly or indirectly the above biblical teachings about Jesus Christ, which may hinder one’s salvation. Believing in Jesus as the Bible teaches is essential for one’s eternal salvation.

- Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son who came in the flesh to die for the sins of mankind (Philippians 2:6-8; John 3:16).
- Without the shedding of Jesus’ blood, there is no forgiveness of sin (Hebrews (9:22-26)
- Jesus is the only way to God the Father and heaven (John 14:6).
- He is the only mediator between God and mankind (1 Timothy 2:5).
- The only name under heaven where we must be saved (Acts 4:12).
- The only God-man who can forgive sin (Mark 2:5-10).
- The only one whose demonstrations of power and fulfillment of scriptures testified that he is God in fleshly form (John 15:24; 5:39).
- Loving the Lord means obeying him (Luke 6:46).
In warning the Early Church about the spirit of the antichrist, apostles of the Lord said:

- Every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus has come in the flesh, and died for the sins of mankind is not of God: this is the spirit of the antichrist. (1 John 4: 3,10).
- Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ has coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is a deceiver and the antichrist (2 John 1:7).
- There will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them with his blood (2 Peter 2:1).
- Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God (1 John 4:3).
In the Early Church, the devil’s antichrist strategy seem to focus on directly denying that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and died for the sins of mankind. However, in these latter days where crosses all over the world remind people of Jesus hanging on the cross, the devil seems to be promoting an indirect strategy of denial to hinder the power of the cross to save.
- Using an antichrist New Age/Spirituality movement Satan teaches his followers that there are other ways to God and heaven than Jesus Christ of the Bible (John 14:6).
- They are taught that there are other “Christs.” And some say they are “Christ.” The Lord told us false “Christs” and prophets would appear before he came again. (Matthew 24:24-25; 2 Corinthians 11:13-14).
- The name of “diversity” is being used to replace the name of Jesus Christ as the only way to God in many Christian circles, reported by Dr. Edwin W. Lutzerin his book: Christ Among gods—a Defense of Christ in an Age of Tolerance.
- The apostle Peter forewarned that heresies would be subtly introduced and allowed into the church community–even denying the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for them, as the only way of salvation (2 Peter 2:1).
- The apostle Paul said, many shall have a form of godliness but deny its power (2Timothy 3:1,5).
- Jesus said some would call him Lord, and speak of what they call love, but do not what the Lord says (Luke 6:46).
The biblical Word of God tells us, “believe not every spirit, but to try spirits whether thy be of God”–The Spirit of God always aligns and agrees with the Word of God (I John 4:1-3; John 16:13-15).
And doing as Jesus said, we are to tell others about the essential Bible teachings of Jesus Christ–that they might believe in the Lord and be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:15; John 7:38-39).