Giving back and being blessed: All good things come from God (Romans 11:35-36; James 1:17). God has even given us his best in giving us his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins and assurance of eternal life(Romans 6:23; John 3:16). Yet God is glorified and blesses us in still others ways, when we recognize him and give back anything with a willing heart (2 Corinthians 8:12; Luke 6:38).
A poor widow, meekly gave her last two small coins in the temple of God. Although there were those who gave a lot from their wealth, the Lord Jesus highly praised and memorialized the poor widow for giving all she had to live on (Luke 21:1-4).
Another poor widow, in the Old Testament, during a dearth, gave the last of the food and water she had for herself and her son to a hungry prophet of the Lord named Elijah. The Lord replenished her supply of food and water until the Lord caused the drought to end. Still more, the Lord enabled Elijah to raise her son back to life after he died (1 Kings 17:7-24).
A boy with five loaves of bread and two fishin a large crowd of hungry people, gave what he had to Jesus. The Lord blesses what the boy gave and fed over five thousand people (John 6:5-14).

Mary and Marthabefriended and fed Jesus, who was homeless. As a demonstration of her love and respect, Mary even pour costly perfume on Jesus’ feet and dried them with her hair. When their brother Lazarus died, they called Jesus, and the Lord resurrected him from the dead (John 11:1-44).
Some of usmay feel we have nothing significant to give, in comparison with others with more recognizable gifts. But we may be very surprised when we get to heaven and see how highly the Lord appraises things we have done that the world hardly values (Matthew 25:34-46):
- Feeding the hungryCaring for strangers
- Clothing the naked
- Visiting the sick
- Going to see those in prison
- Giving even a cup of cold water to someone thirsty (Mat. 10:42).
Jesus said, in as much as you do acts of love for the least of his brethren, you do it for him.
Additionally, he said, give and he shall cause people to give back to you in this life much more than you gave (Luke 6:38).
The first and most important thing we should give back to God is giving ourselves to Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord (John 6:29). Then we ought to give of our substances, our money and our service. But we should do all to the glory of God (Colossians 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31). And God will use what we give him to bless others, even as he blesses us abundantly for giving back to him.