Resting in Jesus from our labors: The Word of God says mankind would live by laboring (Genesis 3:16-19). Yet our Lord Jesus Christ said in the Word, mankind should not live by laboring for bread alone, but by every word of God (Matthew 4:4). Moreover, our Lord said come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-29).
Jesus gives us rest from sin. Jesus gives us rest from our sins when we repent and come to him (Luke 13:3; Romans 6:23). For it is by grace we are saved from sin and not by our works (Ephesians 2:8; John 3:16). But those who are truly saved do good works to please the Lord who rescued them from the deathly consequences of sin.
He makes our work easier. And we continually work to become more like our Lord (Matthew 16:24; Romans 8:29). In teaming up with him we learn that he makes our burdens and trials in life easier to bear (Matthew 11:29-30).
The Lord helps us by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Lord has commended his followers to work to spread the good news of salvation to the world; however, he has given us the Holy Spirit to help us in all that we do (Matthew 16:15; John 14:16; Acts 1:8).
Finally, Jesus gives us rest from all our labors. We can take comfort in the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ that we will rest from all our labors when he comes to take us to be with him (Revelation 14:13; Rev 21:4; John 14:3).